Guiding you back home to your body.

You don’t need to be fixed…because you’re not broken.

Whether you’re looking for prenatal support, have missing periods, battling fertility challenges, or dealing with pain and unwanted symptoms– I’m here to show you the path back home to you. To remind you that choosing you is the most powerful and beautiful thing you can do. Together, let’s help you to feel great in your body, reclaim your innate intuition, and live your fullest, most vibrant life, for good.

Let’s work together!

  • Pregnancy & Postpartum Care

    Support for your body and mind through the many transitions of pregnancy & postpartum.

  • Fertility & Preconception Support

    Bridging the science, research, and physical work with intuition, femininity, and embodiment.

  • Ortho/Pelvic Physical Therapy

    Whole-person approach to physical therapy– no quick fixes, addressing from the root.

  • 1-1 Coaching: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

    Restore ovulation, regulate your menstrual cycles, and get pregnant, naturally.

Hey– I’m Emily.

I understand the struggle all too well. For years I spent my days seemingly doing all of the ‘right’ things, yet my health was suffering. I battled recurrent injuries, absent periods, fertility challenges, low energy, worsening anxiety, and burnout to name a few. On the outside, I had it all. On the inside, I was crumbling and my mind and body felt it. 

I tried to ‘fix’ my symptoms by doing what most of us do– more of the same: exercise, eating ‘clean’, a morning cocktail of supplements, controlling as much of my health as I could…it didn’t work. It turns out, deep healing and sustainable results requires more than surface level solutions. You can’t supplement or band-aid approach your way to better health.

Creating true transformation requires change, from the inside out.

Perhaps your story looks nothing like mine, but here’s what I have found to be true amongst nearly every woman I have worked with over the past half a decade: a disconnection from their mind, body, and intuition.

Years later, I’ve completely rewritten my story and come back home to my body– I’ve befriended her, learned to respect her, and deeply reconnected with my own intuition. And, I want to help you do the same.

as heard on...

Let’s get menstrual, ladies!

If you’re anything like me, you were probably taught diddly squat about your menstrual health as a young woman. Don’t worry– I got ya! Subscribe to receive my free menstrual health guide & improve your menstrual health literacy!

Kind Words