Virtual Coaching: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

Has your period gone MIA? Feel like you’ve tried everything to get it back, but still not seeing the blood stained undies you’re desperately awaiting. I feel you, because I was you. I felt like I tried EVERY. SINGLE. THING. to get my period back while working on recovery from Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (HA) and Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S).

I’ve been right in your very shoes…

  • Your period has been missing for months, years, decades…you know you want to start a family one day, and you’re wondering why no one seems to be that concerned.

  • You’ve seen multiple providers and you’re still looking for answers. 

  • You’ve been met with responses like: “let’s get you back on birth control until you’d like to get pregnant”, “your period may never come back”, “you just need to eat more and gain weight”, “go on a vacation”.

  • You’re petrified to change– You fear losing your identity as the “fit” and “healthy” friend. You fear you won’t be able to handle the body changes that may accompany period recovery.

  • Despite your fear, you’re also deeply exhausted and burnt out from living the lifestyle you currently lead– you know it’s unsustainable, but can’t seem to find the way out.

I’m here to show you, it’s never too late to rewrite your story.

How would it feel to…

  • Understand why your period went missing in the first place.

  • Unravel some of the conditioning that led you here, without a menstrual period and fearing it may never return.

  • Get that first recovery period back, and then continue to ovulate and get your period each month thereafter.

  • Take the guesswork, the puzzle piecing, the do-it-yourself out of period recovery.

  • And if it’s a goal of yours, get pregnant naturally…yes, even if you’ve been told it’s not possible for you.

I help women restore ovulation and their menstrual period, for good. I approach coaching from a place of bridging the science and research with intuition, femininity, and embodiment. 

No two journeys are the exact same, and n always equals 1.

What does 1:1 Virtual Coaching with me look like?

  • A COMPLIMENTARY CONNECTION CALL– I truly believe that for coaching to be effective and lead to powerful transformation, it must feel aligned for both parties– this is not a sales call, rather it’s a way for us to decide if we are the best match for you to achieve your goals. During this call I get to learn a bit more about your story, your why for choosing recovery, & answer any questions you have for me.

  • A THOROUGH INTAKE PROCESS– Once we decide, together, that moving forward with coaching feels right you will receive an email outlining next steps and what to expect during our coaching relationship! Part of this includes a thorough intake process. You will complete a comprehensive online intake form amongst a variety of other things we will review together during your first coaching call. Our first session is yet another opportunity for me to get to know you– what got you to where you are today? What makes you, you? What are the primary barriers to restoring ovulation, menstrual periods, and natural conception? Our intake also serves as a great way for me to learn more about your broader healthcare team; I’m all about collaboration and ensuring you’re equipped with the right support!

  • 1:1 VIRTUAL SESSIONS– We’ll meet bi-weekly for one hour sessions working to deeply understand the root cause of your missing periods, reveal the underlying root cause conditioning and mindsets that are likely holding you back, and create a clear plan to recover ovulation and your period that works. We also review progress between sessions– nourishment, cycle charting (basal body temperature & cervical mucus changes), and any reflections, emotions, and challenges that crop up along the way.

  • FULL WEEK-DAY SUPPORT– Between sessions you have full week-day access to send me thoughts, questions, or updates through text or voice memo on the Voxer app.

  • THE DEEP WORK– In my experience, there is a large emphasis placed on food, exercise, and weight gain in period recovery. And for good reason– these things are absolutely crucial aspects to restoring ovulation and menses. But, the piece that often gets missed is exploring some of the ‘root cause conditioning’ and beliefs developed through our lifetime. If we miss this step, it’s likely you’ll find yourself back in the throes of HA down the line, continuing to deal with sub-optimal cycles, or potential fertility challenges. Our work together goes deeper than “eat more, exercise less, gain weight”.

So, are you ready to choose HA recovery?

The choice is yours, and I would love to support you if you’re ready.